Have fun, Get “Stage Time,” and Benefit from Valuable Feedback. Join the 7 x 7 Speaker Showcase:

-Speak for 7 minutes

-Get 7 minutes of feedback

-No Cost on January 7 as part of Year 7 of the Star Marketing Summit

Register at the right and choose your time slot. Showcase participation is free to those who register for the Star Marketing Summit.

If you have already registered for the Star Marketing Summit. Email sherry@sherryprindle.com to get a time slot scheduled or fill out the form below. We would also love to have you in the audience.

Time frame is 3 – 7 p.m. January 7, then join John Chen’s Happy Hour – where we’ll try to steal the show…cuz it’s what we do 🙂

Speaking Topic:

Pick from the Challenge List or Dazzle your peers in a safe space to work out or re-invent new material. Just be daring.

7 x 7 Workshop Challenge (Pick One)

1.  Make 7 the THEME (material of your choice)

2.  Speak By the Seat of Your Pants (material of your choice)

3. Something NEW in 2022

4.  Hat Trick (Adlib on a topic you draw from a HAT)

5.  Share a HARD, DARK, or VULNERABLE story – Segway back to your WHY

6.  Acceptance Speech for something on your VISION BOARD

7.  Recognize or Honor Someone Else

We only ask that you truly do something new, please no elevator pitches.


Let us know your name, email address, and desired time frame to participate in the Speaker Showcase